Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Family

So this post is dedicated to my amazingly beauitful-not always picture perfect- but wouldn't change a thing about them FAMILY.
See, before i was ever a blogger, i was (and last time i checked, still am) a wife and a mother.
i want to take the time to write a lil something about my hubby and kiddos since they are the fuel that feeds my blogging fire.

That HOTTIE right there, is Joseph. and i have the honor of calling him my Husband. We have been married going on six years. He is my best friend. He can make me laugh when i want to cry, make me feel beautiful when all i see is a frumpy mommy of 2 toddlers, and believes in all the things i wish and hope for, he slips into my day dreams instead of yanking me out of them. he isnt upset when he comes home (on occasion) to a messy house (and wife)  and all that is waiting for him is some mac n' cheese and hotdogs because the boys kept me busy all day and diner sliped my mind. He doesnt see my flaws as flaws, he just calls me "quirky" and assures me they are part of what makes me, well...ME. He loves me. and i love him <3

And this beauty right here, thats my baby girl. Destini. technically she is not "mine". i am her "step-mother" by some peoples views. But i have been a part of this soon-to-be 12yr olds life since she was six and i love her passionately and without barrier. She is mine. And I am her mommy. and there will never be a moment in her life where i will not be there. I pray that God would give me the wisdom and the grace to raise this girl as she grows, into a young woman of integrity and high moral character. i want her to know that she is beautiful the way she is. that she is funny and bright. that she is an AMAZING big sister. she has brought a joy to my life that no one else ever could. i love you Sugar bear.

And this lil guy is Meshach, my three year old son. he is colorful and animated. smart and intuitive. he is passionate about everything; wether its loving his siblings or having a meltdown (as most lil boys do) everything is done to its fullest measure. he loves cars and trains, and anything that goes "VROOM!!!" he loves music and singing and seems to have quite a knack for both. he is our musical protege and i am so eager to see the things God has planed for his life. he is currently learning to be a guide to his baby brother, and i pray that that never stops. i ferverntly ask God to bless his life, that he would know in every situation that God has made him the head and not the tail. a leader and not a follower. that the call on his life would always outway the trials of this world. he is no doubt the apple of mommies eye. the 1st born son, he has taught me a lot about patience and unconditional love. i am so blessed that God saw fit for me to be his mommy.

May i introduce you to my sunshine? my sweet baby Jude. he is nearly two, and is a butter ball of love. if his brother is the embodiment of passion, then he is the living-in-the-flesh equivillent of sweetness. since the day he was born he has been so gentle, charming, warm hearted, cheerful, and easy going. he doesnt cry unless there is reason. he is obedient and soft spoken. he is for me, an everyday reminder of 1Corinthians 13. he is Gods love, unhindered. when i look into his eyes, i know he believes in me. and like the scripture says: he hopes and bares and believes in my love for him. and though being a mommy of three has proven to be a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, i know God gave me Jude as a special reminder that three things will remain. faith. hope. love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.

i love my family, and despite all my shortcomings, they love me too. and that is a comforting thought indeed, because like the Beetles once sang, all you need is love.

take care dear friends, and take the time to tell your family, you love them.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

a year with out blogging

I have become quite enthralled with sooooo many blogs lately. mostly of crafty and lovely ladies making and repurposing thngs for their families and home. i sit in the morning, coffee in hand and pour over all my favorite blogs. it has become my favorite part of my morning routine. So, as of late, i have found myself convicted over my OWN lack of blog management. i have not blogged in so long (about a year approximitly) i even forgot my password! so, with new found commitment and optimism, i am again ready to try my hand at keeping up this blog at the very least, once a week. so puh-lees keep me accountable, dear friends.

*Now that i am back and operational again, let me fill you in on some of my favorite things floating around in blogland =)

uh-mazing before/afters of refinshed furniture

like this beautiful dresser makeover from salvagesavvy

or beautiful Holiday inspirations...

like this breath taking fall table setting from fellow blogger centsationalgirl

to fun and amazing cooking and baking idea's

like this adorable owl cupcake cake!!!
i am so excited to try my hand at this delightful dessert

OWLS!!! i have always had an affinity for them, so i am so blissful that they are oh so chic this season.
