Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Mom-nesia" or Writer's Block?

 This being my 1st blog, I wanted to find something deep and meaningful to write about. I had the silly notion that I might impart upon the readers of this page something that would stay with them, enlighten them, or perhaps just bring about a smile. I had thought about what I might write through out the course of this day, and was fairly sure I would sit and type and the words would magically spill into a fabulous piece of literary gold....but alas, the day has fast turned to night and the words I was so certain of, have vanished as quickly as the summer's long nights. so now in turn i must ask, is it simple writers block and anxietyover my first post or could it possibly be the dreaded "mom-nesia" that seems to have hit me harder than the plague? for though my thoughts were filled with endless wit and humor, all I have to offer are a few trifling thoughts about potty training a toddler.The new and completely uncharted territory that is potty training has left me more than just dazed and confused...in the most unexpected and exciting ways.  I was prepared for accidents, ready for meltdowns, and willing to put in the time it takes. what i was not prepared for was the overwhelming sense of pride i would feel to see on my sons face the look of pride that comes with success. beyond ecstatic, his response to going "pee pee in the potty" has been complete unhindered joy. i was not prepared to feel so much excitement over a monotonous toilet flush, or washing of little hands. parenthood is to often seen as a job, or something we can be taught by and  through others experience, however, no amount of book reading or "how to" guides could have prepared me for the first moment of potty training success. parenting for me has been a hands on, learn as you go adventure. to experience the joy of the accomplishment in that moment with my son is  something i will remember for the rest of my life. and though the day is filled with accidents and tears, the smiles and laughter of a job well done has made this mommy cherish the times i share with my children, even if it means another moping of the floor and washing of some underpants.

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