Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Psalm 100:4-5
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto  Him and bless His name; for the Lord is GOOD! His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth to all generations."

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Christmas is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.... and before i find myself getting caught up in the hoopla of the holiday season, i want to remind myself that i am blessed!

And boy! is there lots to be thankful for.
I have been blessed with a wonderful husband and 3 amazing children
 a home to call our own
 a vehicale to get us from A-to-B
cubboards crammed with food
the List goes on and on and ....well you ger the idea.

But there are also a few things i never even imagined I would one day be able to give thanks for.
Like the fact that my family contnues to multiply.
new nephews and nieces, brothers and sisters, added so perfectly into this fold of my life.
Steven, Tayiah, Katelyn, Jordan, Kendra, Joaquin, Jacob, and Baby Noah- i am so blessed to be your  Aunt, and to have the pleasure of sowing into your lives
Donny, Tammy, Sam, Paul, Desarae, Angel and Katie- brothers and sisters i never knew i would have!
or the fact that i would have so many "parents"
My Mom Paula and Dad Gene, Penny my step mom, my "baboon" Eli and Carol, such a mighty woman of God. Nelson, such a gentle and loving father, and ofcourse my inlaws Joe and Diane. who have made me feel like I have always been a part of their family. who welcomed me into their hearts so easily. i love all my parents so much. and i am thankful that God blessed me with so many of them! the more wisdom i get to soak up from each of them!

And ofcourse, I am thankful to serve a might God.
one  who loves me unconditionaly, blesses me beyond measure, forgives me time and time again,
and shows me everyday that my love is not my own. Its HIS.

 i never knew how much it would mean to me to hear the desires of my heart echoed in my children.
to hear Destini's sweet voice sing, "Here i am to worship"
or Meshach sing praise with all the force of a hurricane, "I give You glory!!!"
and even my baby Jude, lifting his hands in worship at church
it brings me a joy there are no words for.
I am thankful that my children have found favor with God.

So tomorrow when we sit down to eat a beautiful meal with friends and family and through out the whirlwind of the next 5 weeks of Holiday stress and worry, i will bless His name, i will come before Him with thanksgiving, and thank Him for everything He has given to me, but also, just for being who He is. God of all Glory.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Three Chords of Might

I love singing.....i love poetry.
And since i have been under the weather lately, i thought for today i would simply share with you one of my favorite poems.
"The Singers", by Henry Longfellow has resinated with me since i was 12 years old (i have always been a book worm and long time poetry lover).
It was in a very old book my dear Aunt passed down to me, By The Fireside.
And now i am sharing it with you. if you have never read it before, i hope you thuroughly enjoy it, and if you have read it, i hope it brings a warmth of familiarity to your heart, as it does mine.


  God sent his Singers upon earth
With songs of sadness and of mirth,
That they might touch the hearts of men,
And bring them back to heaven again.
The first, a youth, with soul of fire,
Held in his hand a golden lyre;
Through groves he wandered, and by streams,
Playing the music of our dreams.
The second, with a bearded face,
Stood singing in the market-place,
And stirred with accents deep and loud
The hearts of all the listening crowd.  

A gray old man, the third and last,
Sang in cathedrals dim and vast,
While the majestic organ rolled
Contrition from its mouths of gold.

And those who heard the Singers three
Disputed which the best might be;
For still their music seemed to start
Discordant echoes in each heart,
But the great Master said, 'I see
No best in kind, but in degree;
I gave a various gift to each,
to charm, to strengthen, and to teach.
'These are the three great chords of might,
And he whose ear is tuned aright
Will hear no discord in the three,
But the most perfect harmony.'

 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow